The horror of the game isn’t all creature designs though. They reveal their true face if you approach, and with their unusual movements and seeming inability to be permanently killed, these definitely stand out in a small set of creatures with some already good concepts on show. Simple in concept, these little dolls have some absolutely chilling voices that break the silence of the world with deceptively innocent calls to be your friend.
#Gylt game artwork movie
Some of the boss monsters definitely have some memorable designs, the projectionist creature’s spider-like movements and movie projector mouth giving its large humanoid shape more impact, but the best on show might be the doll mannequins.

The raven-headed versions aren’t quite as scary due to being a fairly plain concept, but these are essentially more capable versions of the regular monsters and their audio cues are more ethereal compared to the human mutterings of the basic creatures. The basic foes already have an incredibly distinct look, the shadowy figures having upside down faces with massive fangs and bodies covered in orange welts that give them a sickly look. In fact, Gylt’s low difficulty level does imply it is meant to appeal to younger players looking for a scary experience, and the monster designs in Gylt definitely have an interesting style to them. The horrors of Gylt’s alternate city manage to find themselves on a line where they can be effective to people of all ages without featuring any of the gore or themes that would alienate younger players.

Sally looks the most different between the scenes, her in game model having a wide head with brown hair while her cutscene version has a slimmer look and hair that looks black due to the limited coloring choices, but this isn’t so distracting that it will pull you out of the plot or the light horror experience on offer. This story is often told in hand drawn cutscenes that seem to be quite different from the game art. However, among this world of horrors, she spots her missing cousin, so Sally must safely evade the creatures as she tries to rescue Emily and take her back to the regular world. While canvasing the town with missing posters, Sally stumbles across a cable car that takes her to a strange alternate version of the city where it has been devastated by unknown forces and strange monsters patrol the land. Gylt follows a young girl named Sally whose cousin Emily has mysteriously disappeared.

#Gylt game artwork full
Gylt could have been a white whale, but two free months of Stadia Pro allowed me to access it, and even though I had to go through some goofy hoops like downloading the Stadia app to change the streaming settings for how I play on PC, I actually got the game to a point where it was almost completely smooth and responsive, meaning I could properly experience what is, at the time of writing, Stadia’s only full on exclusive. This isn’t too much of a concern if Stadia receives no unique exclusives, but if Stadia is ever discontinued, it might be some time before we see what is the service’s single exclusive on any other system. The advent of Google Stadia introduces an all new wrinkle though, the idea of a game service where you can only stream a game rather than being provided even a digital copy for your own use. There are many road bumps on the path to playing every video game ever released, but even with the hardest to find games, there is usually someone out there with a copy or fans who have backed up the game in some form or fashion.